Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Gorgeous reads

There are so many lovely craft books out there at the moment and I was lucky to receive some fab ones at Christmas. I have been wanting these for ages but just had to control myself from a spending splurge and get them as gifts.

I know probably most of you have had these books for a while, but if you haven't you've got to get them.

Plans for the weekend - going to try and squeeze some time in to start making some of the lovely projects!


Anonymous said...

I have "Bend the Rules" and "Simple Sewing". I've been eyeballing "Sew Pretty Homestyle" for a while now. I think I need to get my hands on that book and decide if it's worth ordering.

Anonymous said...

I have the 'Bend the Rules' book, but I have been looking our for others! Oh dear that's one of my New Years Resolution about not spending looking like it might have to be broke! Oh well it has lasted 11 days.

Anonymous said...

I have all three!!! and I am ashamed to say that I have not done one project from these books.