Monday, April 16, 2012

Quilt blocks looking lovely!

So yesterday after showing the quilt blocks that I made for the 4x5 Modern Quilt Bee, that are now winging their way to 5 lovely ladies in the USA my received blocks were just looking at me through the little plastic bag where I keep them safe so I thought I would get all the blocks out and see how the future quilt is progressing.
Here they are looking pretty in their Ziploc keeper!
All laid out - Isn't it looking lovely!!
I love that this Bee uses the makers fabric rather than sending fabric away and getting a block back. This means that there are lots of lovely fabrics that I could just not source in the UK! I was a bit nervous committing myself to just 3 colours and a background colour but I am very pleased with my choice.
I've signed up for the next quarter as well so plenty more blocks to be added!!


sukie said...

I didn't even think that international ppl sign up cause of all the fabric they would get in their blocks! Brilliant! I love your color charges

Oddbjørg said...

I agree; the blocks look lovely!

Jeanette said...

The colors you have chosen for your blocks are beautiful and work really well together. Lovely!