Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear Santa

It's a Bank holiday weekend! That's why its raining outside.
September arrives on Tuesday! Where did the Summer go?
School/work starts back next week!! Must stock up on my back to school stationary!

So what better a time than to think about Christmas!
In fact a Christmas wish list. Santa I am being good!

Usually there are a range of great crafty books that I would love for Christmas, you just need to see my bookcase for past evidence. This year however there is something that has already caught my eye. Reason being it includes lots of lovely projects by lots of lovely people that I have happened to have come across or have been in contact with through this blog! Such as Pink Penguin!

Looks like so much fun and is available in the UK!!

1 comment:

ayumills said...

I think the calendar can be a great Christmas gift too!! There are so many cool projects in there!!